Növénytermelés / Volume 65 / Issue 4 (December 2016) / pp. 7-30


Testing of seed mixtures on wildlife forage grounds

The aim of the research is to examine the measure of the shelter and the measure of food offer that different crop field mixtures provide and to examine how important the different soil conditions are for producible plant mass. If game managers can see numerically how much the difference is in producible plant mass values because of the different soil conditions, expectedly they take into consideration in greater extent to this in the course of their wildlife forage ground management. Survey of the vegetation’s combination can give assistance in choosing plant species (varieties) planned for crop fields.

The examination went on between 2012 and 2014 on the territory of the Gúth Forestry of Nyírerdő Zrt. Nine different own-collated seed mixtures (23 plant species, respectively 28 varieties) are tested in the presented three crop field experiments. The area of the first crop field experiment is not steady in point of soil conditions. That offers a good opportunity to examine the effect of different soil conditions for the producible plant mass.

Leaf Area Index measurement was done using of Licor LAI-2000 Plant Canopy Analyzer. The producible amount of fodder forage was easily computable after drying the samples from the half m2 plots to body-balance. Survey of the vegetation’s combination was realized on 1 sq. meter sampling plots.

We analyzed and evaluated the data with the IBM SPSS 22.0 statistical software package. The accuracy of the statistical analysis was given at the level of P<5%. We also used Pearson’s correlation analysis to explore the connections. As results of the examinations the followings can be stated:

From the tested seed mixtures that had the most LAI value (5.23 m2 m-2), contained white lupine, buckwheat, hairy vetch, millet and foxtail-millet. It is much higher value than in single planted corn were measured (the highest LAI value of this plant is 2.53 m2 m-2). The more leaf area the more feed and casing, it provides better hidingplace for the game and in addition protects soil more effectively against erosion.

According to the measurements, large amount of forage (8.5 t dry matter ha-1) can be produced with using seed mixtures on crop fields. It shows well, how the differing soil conditions, relief (depth of underground water) influence the producible plant mass on a given area (the difference might as well be 5–6 t ha-1 dry matter content).

On the basis of the results of vegetation’s combination survey we can see from the several plant species’ rates changing how long the different plant species can offer food and shelter for the game. The optimal combination of species and varieties in the seed mixture for wildlife forage grounds can be determined with taking into consideration the food and shelter demand of the game.

Keywords: seed mixtures, wildlife forage ground management, LAI, produced plant mass

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Editor-in Chief:

János Nagy


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