Növénytermelés / Volume 63 / Issue 3 (September 2014) / pp. 5-20


The impact of crop rotation on winter wheat yield depending on the water balance of the soil

The examinations were carried out in a multifactorial long-term experiment established in 1983 in biculture (maize–wheat) and triculture (maize–pea–wheat) crop rotation systems in two years (2012 and 2013). The test plant was winter wheat.

Of the two crop rotation systems, lower soil moisture volumetric percentage values were calculated in triculture crop rotation. The water shortage values calculated in biand triculture crop rotation systems also show the higher water utilisation of wheat sown after pea. At the same time, water shortage values before sowing show that previous crops have different impact on the water balance of the soil. The soil moisture left behind after pea as previous crop is significantly more (water shortage was 31.8 mm more in 2012 and 42.3 mm more in 2013 in biculture) than in a maize stubble-field, even despite the dry summer.

Based on our examinations, it was established that the water stock of the chernozem soil was greatly affected by crop rotation.

Based on water shortage values and yields, it can be concluded that 2013 was a more favourable year from the aspect of water supply in view of the yield formation processes of winter wheat. Pea – which was a previous crop in triculture – had a favourable impact on the nutrient cycle of the soil.

Keywords: long-term experiment, winter wheat, crop rotation, soil moisture, water shortage, yield

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Editor-in Chief:

János Nagy


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