Növénytermelés / Volume 62 / Issue 3 (September 2013) / pp. 57-74

Szabó É

The impact of different crop years and fertiliser treatments on the leaf and ear diseases of various winter wheat genotypes

The extent of ear and leaf disease infections was examined in five winter wheat varieties of different genotype (GK Öthalom, Lupus, Pannonikus, Mv Toldi, Genius) in three different crop years and different fertiliser treatments. The results of the infection dynamics analyses showed that the extent of leaf infections (powdery mildew, yellow leaf spot, leaf rust) and ear infections (fusarium head blight) was determined by the applied fertiliser doses and the given crop year. These diseases appeared only moderately when the usual crop protection technology (fungicide treatment on two occasions) was used. The amount of spring and early summer precipitation and temperature greatly influenced the appearance and extent of diseases. The significant amount of precipitation during winter and spring increased the chance of developing leaf diseases and the warm weather in March and May also contributed to infection. The high temperature in April and June had a negative, i.e., reductive effect on the extent of infection. The sensitivity and resistance of each cultivar to diseases were different.
Keywords: winter wheat, crop year, powdery mildew, yellow leaf spot, leaf rust, fusarium head blight

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Editor-in Chief:

János Nagy


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