Növénytermelés / Volume 61 / Issue 4 (December 2012) / pp. 35-54

Földesi P; Gyuricza Cs

Evaluation of soil condition analyses in field experiments

The effect of conventional tillage on the physical condition of the soil was examined on six farms for three years (2004–2006) in field experiments. In this study, the agronomic structure of the soil, the soil penetration resistance and the moisture content were examined from the aspect of the crop year effect. When examining the agronomic structure, it was revealed that no significant differences were observed between the examined three years under different weather conditions. During the examination of soil penetration resistance, significant differences were found between the years concerned at all depths (LSD5%0–10=0.2, LSD5%10–20=0.2, LSD5%20–30=0.2, LSD5%30–40=0.2, LSD5%40–50=0.2). Consequently, the crop year effect largely influenced the soil penetration resistance. At depths of 0–30 cm the soil structure proved to be sufficiently loose throughout the examined years. The highest soil penetration resistance values (3,2 MPa) were observed in experiments B, C and D in 2004 at depths of 40–50 cm. No adverse compaction was recorded in years 2005 and 2006. The year effect influenced not only the soil penetration resistance, but also the soil humidity. When comparing the examinations of the certain years, significant differences were oberved at all depths, except for depths of 10–20 cm (LSD5%0–10=0.8, LSD5%20–30=1, LSD5%30–40=1, LSD5%40–50=0.9). Consequently, the crop year effect can be proved at these depths. Significant differences were observed between the experiments (LSD5%10–20=1.7) only at depths of 10–20 cm. At this depth, the moisture content of the soil depended not on the crop year effect, but also on the applied agrotechnology. Accordingly, the effect of the cultivation on the soil moisture content appeared at depths of 10–20 cm. In years 2005 and 2006, the moisture content of the soil decreased in all experiments below the tillage depth of 40 cm. Altogether, it can be concluded that under the examined soil and location circumstances, traditional tillage did not result in physical soil degradation by the last year of the experiment.
Keywords: soil condition, conventional tillage, agronomic structure, penetration resistance, soil moisture

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Editor-in Chief:

János Nagy


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